Catch-up Blog – Last Month in Redmond.

Wow – was it busy or what. With me working remotely, trying to get details of the house closing sorted out, move sorted out, change of address and a gazillion other things. For all this, getting the house ready for sale had in itself been a lot of work and I thought I had managed to sort through things reasonably well then. While that was probably true, there was still lots to get done before handing the house over. The nice part – I was able to meet and dine with a lot of my friends. That was really, really nice to do – if per chance some of you are reading the blog – Thanks! It really was nice to see all of you.
I had big plans to do a hike every weekend, well I at least managed one hike! It was the Coopers Lake, or river I forget which one exactly, we were supposed to do the Lake trail up on the ridge but could not quite locate it. Instead we settled for an easy trail along the river. That turned out to be a good choice given that it was a really warm day. Nothing like a hike albeit easy to remind me of the "great" shape I’m in!
The last 2 weeks were particularly crazy. Stuff just seemed to keep coming up from nowhere in the house. I had no idea I had accumulated this amount "stuff". It did not help that I had a nice big garage to store things in and also that 2nd bedroom which was really my internal store and stash away room. So much so that I spent the night awake prepping for the movers – dismantling furniture so that it would take up less space, throwing out more things that I knew were not worth moving to India, setting aside stuff that I did not want them to move.
In the list of Ameican experiences, I managed to drive a truck to haul things over to Valu-Village and also drop some stuff off at my cousins. Fortunately it was not too bad and just about 14 miles of driving. Takes some time to get used to the clearances and the fact that you do not have a central rear view mirror.
I never did manage that trip to Eastern Washington to see the dams and the Columbia River or for that matter Mount Saint Helens. I’ll have to make time for at least one of those the next time I’m there. I did manage a trip to Cafe Flora and that certainly did not disappoint! So all was not lost,
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